V: The Closing

Dear roommates,

Do you remember purchasing nineteen books from Half-Price Books during one of our first outings last June or buying throw pillows in San Francisco? Do you remember our "date" at Crepevine and journeying to Ici's? Can you believe it has already been one year, Yen will be traversing to France for a year, Sooyun, our dear, resident pre-med, now has metamorphed into an amazing art major(I still want to see those comics.), and that Pearly-gates has really short hair? Also, we're all declared(-ish)!!!

Reflecting back on this past year, I feel so overwhelmed by how much I'm going to miss SPVY. <3 Despite not going through with our initial goal of sharing monthly (weekly?!) dinners (We're such a busy apartment! I remember going home on Mondays at 11, and not seeing a single person.) and updating this blog more, I absolutely enjoyed my time living with the three of you--I can't believe that our journey together has already come to a close!

I just want to thank you all for all the love and grace you've shown me, and for all the support you've given me when I felt that I had lost all of my grounded-ness. I love all of you, and I'm forever grateful that I had the opportunity to share this past year with you.

Wherever we are next year, KEEP IN TOUCH! 305 love!

<3, Vi

Sorry. I've forgotten how to write. ;_; AUGH.

Y: Checking myself & "A Better Berkeley is Possible.."

I just wanted to "take back" something I said a while ago. I'm not sure if you even remember, Vivs, but I said:
"I think ______ is a better person than ______" And I just wanted to check myself because I shouldn't have said that. Not just about those specific names, but about anyone. I'm sure it was a biased opinion and a momentary opinion. Soo *take back,* hah.

Who are we to judge, when we ourselves are full of fault and are subject to judgment?

Who are you voting for? And why?
I'm voting for Eunice Kwon for President, along with the entire CalSERVE executive slate, Lean DeLeon for Executive VP, Viola Tang for Academic Affairs VP, and Ricardo Gomez for External Affairs VP. Eunice is an amazing person, she's fun to be around, and likes to get to know people on personal levels. She's very open minded and has made herself visible in plenty of spaces, even those that don't apply to her personally. I met her at a REACH! coffee talk and I'm currently on her Campaigning team. Here's a video that just shows Eunice's personality:

CalSERVE's four main platforms are:
1. Public
2. Student Centered
3. Affordable
4. Environmentally & Socially Just.

As for the senators, honestly, it's about their platforms, and not the political party as much. However, under CalSERVE, these candidates do have specific directions with their personal platforms. I am personally advocating Larry Bach #79. If you have time, please read about the candidates & their platforms at calserve.org!

Y: Quartet-ism

Dear SPV,
How are all of you? I miss you three. Not individually, but you three as a whole. And us as a quartet.
I'm very thankful for the days that we did have together, our "honeymoon stages" as Revelations 2 would deem them. It sounds like a corny break-up letter phrase, yeah? But it's true. It saddens me that the idea of living with each other for the "rest of our college career" was more ephemeral than our freshman selves anticipated. But at the same time I can't be any happier that this year went the way it did. I feel very privileged that I never have anything negative to say when people ask me about my roommates and my living situation. Plus, you were all very patient with me during my stressed days, took in my reminders, and shared your resources with me. Sophomore year was/is wonderful and you definitely contributed to that.
I really apologize that I am not taking part in the housing stress and that I might even bring on stress this time again next year. If whatever works out next year continues to work out, you don't have to try to move to include me. It's easy to say that we'll think about it next year and worry about it then, but in reality, it's unnecessary stress to consider me.
I guess I'm writing this now, even though it's still mid semester, because we really don't have much time left together. And I've been thinking about living situations for the summer.
Love you all,

Thank you roommates!

Ah, only 6 more minutes until my birthday is over. Thank you for making it a great day, girls (:

V: Hi Yen!

Hello Yen!

This is a response to your post.
I'm also giving up baked sweets. (Oatmeal cookies don't count! :D) Actually, I intend to give up all sweets for this semester. Too much sugar= no good.

My semester's chugging along. I am failing to complete my BioE 104 homework right now. :[ sad.

<3 Vi

Y: hm

Hello roommates!
I hope your semester is starting off well (:
Five days until "first person to turn 20" day. :/

Our water is clear again! It's such a beautiful thing: good, clean water.
I miss us :(

Lent's coming up soon. I'm planning to give up:
1. Facebook
2. Baked sweets (not goods because crackers are baked..right?)
3. Meat. Yay for Trader Joe's vegetarian cuisine.

My French conversation instructor speaks WAY TOO FAST.
How are your lives?
- - - - - - <3

P: New Year's Resolution

I know I'm a bit late on this, and I'm not much of a New Year's resolution type of person, but here it is:

-Love others and value people in concrete ways; that doesn't just mean the people who are easy to love.