V: The Closing

Dear roommates,

Do you remember purchasing nineteen books from Half-Price Books during one of our first outings last June or buying throw pillows in San Francisco? Do you remember our "date" at Crepevine and journeying to Ici's? Can you believe it has already been one year, Yen will be traversing to France for a year, Sooyun, our dear, resident pre-med, now has metamorphed into an amazing art major(I still want to see those comics.), and that Pearly-gates has really short hair? Also, we're all declared(-ish)!!!

Reflecting back on this past year, I feel so overwhelmed by how much I'm going to miss SPVY. <3 Despite not going through with our initial goal of sharing monthly (weekly?!) dinners (We're such a busy apartment! I remember going home on Mondays at 11, and not seeing a single person.) and updating this blog more, I absolutely enjoyed my time living with the three of you--I can't believe that our journey together has already come to a close!

I just want to thank you all for all the love and grace you've shown me, and for all the support you've given me when I felt that I had lost all of my grounded-ness. I love all of you, and I'm forever grateful that I had the opportunity to share this past year with you.

Wherever we are next year, KEEP IN TOUCH! 305 love!

<3, Vi

Sorry. I've forgotten how to write. ;_; AUGH.


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